# Plugins

As of Roam 2.2, Roam supports a basic plugin model to allow adding new panels on the side at run time.

Plugins live in the plugins\ folder and are normal Python modules or packages. The only restriction on naming is the module or package must end with _plugin. e.g plugins\mytest_plugin.py

The plugin API looks for the following functions in a plugin:

  1. A pages() function which returns a list of QWidgets to use as pages
  2. A toolbars() function which returns a list of toolbars that can be added to the bottom of the map window.

A simple example plugin is as follows:

from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget, QGridLayout, QLabel
from roam.api.plugins import Page

def pages():
    return [SamplePlugin]
def toolbars():
    return [PluginToolBar]
class PluginToolBar(ToolBar):
    def __init__(self, api, parent=None):
        super(PluginToolBar, self).__init__(parent)
        self.mapwindow = api.mapwindow
        self.button = QAction("Plugin Button", self)

    def unload(self):

    def project_loaded(self, project):
        self.project = project

class SamplePlugin(QWidget, Page):
    title = "Sample Plugin"

    def __init__(self, api, parent=None):
        super(LineProfile, self).__init__(parent)

roam.api.plugins.Page: is a shortcut base class that defines default attributes. Your class can provide, or leave them undefined, the following attributes:

  • title (string)
  • icon (path to icon)
  • projectpage (bool)

projectpage : defines if the page should belong in the upper button group.

False :if it is always on a panel like Settings, GPS, etc.

# Enabling plugins

Plugins are enabled on a per project basis add:

- mytest_plugin

To enable the above plugin for a given project. By default all plugins are disabled for each project unless enabled.

When the project is loaded a new button, with the same text as title, will be added under Legend.

# Handy functions

Page and ToolBar also has auto connected selection_changed, project_loaded methods. Simply override and you are good to go:

class SamplePlugin(QWidget, Page):
    title = "Sample Plugin"

    def __init__(self, api, parent=None):
        super(LineProfile, self).__init__(parent)
    def selection_changed(self, selection):

    def project_loaded(self, project):

selection is a dict of QgsVectorLayer: list-of-QgsFeatures