# Building From Source

If you are planning on doing any development work on Roam or are wanting to stay current with recent changes you will need to build from source.

# Initial software installs

In order to build Roam from source, the following software will need to be installed on the host computer.

# OSGeo4W

OSGeo4W includes software dependencies including QGIS, PyQt5, Python and GDAL.

During installation select the Advanced Installation option. Then choose the following options at a minimum.

  • Desktop
    • qgis or qgis-ltr
  • Libs
    • gdal
    • gdal-ecw
    • gdal-mss
    • python3-pip

# InnoSetup (Optional)

While Roam can be distributed as a ZIP file, InnoSetup can be used to automate the process of building a Windows installer.

# Qt Linquist (Optional)

If you would like to compile .ts language translation files lrelease.exe needs to be installed on the computer. This program does not come packaged in OSGeo4W, but potentially might be installed using pip. Otherwise installers can be found on the internet, but care should be taken to verify the source as trustworthy.

# Environment variables

A number of environment variables are specified in the scripts\setenv.bat script.

For standard installs of the software described above, it is unlikely any changes will be required. However, if software is installed in non-standard locations, this file may need to be edited.

It is best to review this file, just to ensure it seems accurate.

# Building

The main build script is build.bat in the base folder of the Roam source code.

In Windows, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and navigate to the base folder of the source code.

The build script supports the following options:

  • build
  • zip
  • installer
  • release
  • design
  • watch
  • test
  • test-only
  • api-docs

These options perform the following actions.

# Build

build build

or simply


Cleans up previous builds, downloads any required dependencies using pip, then compiles and builds the Roam.exe and ConfigManager.exe executables in the build folder.

# Zip

build zip

Combines all of the files in the build folder into a zip file called Roam.zip, that can be found in the release folder.

For the zip, installer and release options you can append another parameter onto the command to include version information in the new file name.

For instance:

build zip " 3.1 Beta"

will produce a file named Roam 3.1 Beta.zip.

For all commands you can also use the greater than symbol to capture the command output in a file.

For example:

build zip " 3.1 Beta" > build_zip.log

will capture the command output to the build_zip.log file.

# Installer

build installer

Uses InnoSetup to compile a Roam Installer.exe file in the release folder.

# Release

build release

Runs the full build. Equivalent to running build, zip and installer individually.

# Design

build design

Opens the Qt Designer application, which can be used as a graphical interface to edit the various .ui files.

When these files are compiled using build a python .py file will be created. These .py should never be edited themselves, as they will be overwritten next time build is run.

# Watch

build watch

A background task that can be run while .ui files are being edited, in order to see changes made without having to run a complete build. See section on Running.

# Test

build test

Performs various unit tests on the software. Produces a html report.

# Test-only

build test-only

Performs the same tests as test, but does not produce the html report.

# Api-docs

build api-docs

Produces basic API reporting using the Pdoc API Documentation.

# Running

Besides running the executable created as a result of the build process, it is possible to run both Roam and ConfigManager directly from source.

This can be useful in cases where changes need to be made, but you want to quickly see results, without completely re-building the application every time. This can be used in conjunction with build watch when working with .ui files.

To run Roam execute the run.bat script, while ConfigManager can be started using the run_config.bat script in the command prompt.