Project Format
Roam projects all live in the projects\
folder in the Roam install location.
An example project folder layout looks like this:
Note: Project folders should have no spaces or special characters in the name. Will be imported by Python.
Each project folder should contain the following:
1 QGIS project file (any name)
form folders
Example Project folder.
Roam will pick up the first QGIS project (.qgs) file in the folder and load it into the map. All form configuration and any other Roam configuration for the project is found in project.config
A form folder must have a matching name in project.config
and contain the following files:
.\help\ (optional)
The project project.config file contains all the configuration that Roam needs for the form. The file format is YAML.
NOTE: YAML is sensitive to tabs. Why!? Make sure you are using spaces to indent. Also make sure you use a decent editor (Notepad++, Sublime, Vim, VS, etc) anything besides Notepad really, but you already do that.
Title and Description
The minimum data the project.config file must contain is a title and description:
title: 'Tree Inspection (Sample)'
description: Sample tree inspection module
If a project.config only contains a title and description, a project with no forms will be created. A project with no forms can still be loaded and viewed. Handy for a info only project.
Select Layers
To control which layers will show up in the info panel when using the select tool you can add a selectlayers: key.
title: 'Tree Inspection (Sample)'
description: Sample tree inspection module
# List each layer that can be "selected".
# The order is respected in the info panel.
# Any layers with spaces in their names must be wrapped in ' '
- Trees
- 'Property Boundaries'
- 'Main Roads'
If this is not found in the project.config
file all layers will be selectable and the order is based on the project file order.
Used to specify batch scripts which should be called from the sync page.
cmd: Sync-Inspections.bat
type: replication
Output will be caught and displayed on the sync page.
All forms are found under the forms:
key. The basic layout of form config is:
trees: # Must have a matching folder and unique
layer: Trees #Layer name in QGIS project
label: Tree Inspection # Label shown in Roam interface
type: 'auto' # Form type. Can be 'auto'
display: | # Display expression show in the info panel
[% "Botname" %]
widgets: # List of widgets defined for this form.
.... # Widgets listed here.
The layer:
key tells roam which layer this form is bound to. One layer can have many forms in Roam. This allows for a project to have different views (forms) into the data model. An example might be a asset table where all the different asset type information is in a single table rather then different layers. You could then have a Trees form, and also a Bin form which both point to the same layer just different columns.
An example of this setup might be:
layer: Assets
label: Bin
type: 'auto'
display: |
[% "Botname" %]
.... # Widgets listed here.
layer: Assets
label: Tree
type: 'auto'
display: |
[% "Botname" %]
.... # Widgets listed here.
This would then show up as two different forms.
All forms in Roam are made up of widgets. Most widgets allow for data entry, some are just visual (group box, horizontal line, etc). Each widget contains its own config section under the config:
Note: Inline comments marked as # Note: The order of the keys do not matter
layer: MyLayer
label: UI Label
type: 'auto'
- widget: {widgettype}
field: {fieldname}: # Only one entry per field
name: 'Display Name' # optional - default {fieldname}
hidden: false # optional - default false
read-only-rules: [editing] # optional. Values are: always, insert, editing
required: false # optional - default false
default: {value} # optional - See default section
rememberlastvalue: true # optional - Adds option to remember values
config: # Optional for some widget
{widget config} # Config for the widget
Default Values
Widgets may also contain a default values.
default: {value}
default: %USERNAME% # All environment variables are expanded.
default: '[% $now %]' # QGIS expression are enclosed in [% %]
default: | # Or as a yaml literal if quotes need to be used.
[% format_date($now, 'ddMMyyyyhhmmss') %]
# A default value with a sub key of type: layer-value will pull the first record it finds
# which matches the expression from the layer after layer:.
# Note: Will only search features in view.
# $roamgeometry is the geometry of the current captured feature.
# The expression can also access fields of the search layer
type: layer-value
layer: Cadastre
expression: |
'within($geometry, buffer($roamgeometry, 10)'
field: MAP_KEY
Widget Types
Supported widget types are:
- List
- Image
- Text
- TextBlock
- Date
- Checkbox
- Widget Configs
Each widget type contains its own widget config. These are found under the config:
key for each widget.
List based on string list:
allownull: false # optional - default
- 'Sub Type;Desc ' # ; can be used to show description
- 'Sub Type2;Test'
- 'Sub Type3'
List based on layer:
allownull: false
layer: 'MyLayer'
key: 'COL1' # Column for display
value: 'COL2' # Value that is stored in the layer
filter: | # Optional - | means literal string. This must be used.
"name" = 'nw' # Expression must be on new line nested after |
defaultlocation: '%USERPROFILE%\Pictures' # Image picker location
Text, TextBlock
checkedvalue: 1 # value to store when checked
uncheckedvalue: 0 # value to store when unchecked
Example list:
- widget: List
field: Asset_Sub_Type
required: false
name: 'Asset Sub Type'
default: 'Sub Type2'
allownull: false
orderbyvalue: false
- 'Sub Type;Desc '
- 'Sub Type2;Test'
- 'Sub Type3'
Example checkbox:
- widget: Checkbox
field: has_powerlines:
required: false
name: 'Is there powerlines?'
checkedvalue: True
uncheckedvalue: False